Kiziah Consulting

Simple Marketing Systems

to help speakers and coaches land more clients.

Alex Kiziah

Online Courses

We'll show you how to build your own effective marketing and content strategies to get more clients.


1-on-1 sessions for personalized help or group coaching with support from our team and members.

Agency Services

We'll build your marketing systems for you, so you can focus on helping your clients (by application only).

Phase 1


First, where do you see yourself as a speaker or coach?Traveling and sharing your message from grand stages? Delivering group coaching sessions? Or helping clients 1-on-1 from the comfort of your home?What's working and not working for you currently to reach that vision?Your goals here, and the stage of your journey, will determine everything we work on moving forward.

Vision - Speaker Goals
Design - Speaker Website

Phase 2


Next, we help you design your key marketing assets, customer journey, and launch strategy to bridge the gap between where you are now and your vision.What assets do you already have? Which pieces are you missing? Do you have the essentials to launch such as a Demo Reel, Website, and Sales Funnel?Thorough planning here ensures you launch with professional branding and effective systems.

Phase 3


Third, we help you craft your marketing assets and connect your tech stack, so you're ready to generate leads!As speakers and coaches, it's way more fun to focus on delivering your message and helping clients, instead of learning new tools and managing the business.Don't worry though. We'll guide you through the process so you can get to launch quickly and focus on serving your clients.

Build - Speaker Funnel
Launch - Speaker Email

Phase 4


All systems check... it's time to launch!Whether you have zero followers and zero budget for ads, or you've already built a list and can spend money on paid media... we'll show you proven strategies for both outbound and inbound marketing.Launching can feel intimidating, but if you follow our previous steps, you're sure to fill up your pipeline with new deals!

Phase 5


At this phase, you're closing more clients and might be wondering.... now what?Simple! We look at the data and optimize your customer journey by refining creatives, traffic strategies, funnel steps, sales calls, fulfillment, testimonial acquisition, etc.And then, when you're ready, we'll help you expand your offers so you can generate additional streams of revenue!

Scale - Speaker Convo

~ Kenyon Salo, Keynote Speaker


"If you desire to take your business to the next level, and you have a great product and service, then you also need someone who can match that ability within the web assets and marketing... and Alex, he's your guy. He's the one that does it time and time again."

Kiziah Consulting

1-on-1 Coaching

Personalized help with your speaking or coaching business, wherever you need it most.

  • 1 hour sessions over Zoom

  • Personalized to your specific needs

  • Flexible schedule and packages

Ask The Pandas

Speaker Authority System

Step-by-step program that takes you from aspiring speaker or coach, to landing clients with a repeatable system.

  • 8-week online training program

  • Group coaching and community

  • Ongoing support from our team

Simple Marketing Strategies Newsletter

Learn what's working now for ads, funnels, email, video, and more! - Delivered by "Ask The Pandas"